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Writer's pictureRev. Dr. Nick Eagle

The Dark Truth of Psychology: Why they tell you that you have "mental disorders"

I spent my entire childhood lost, confused and suffered greatly. My teenage parents had very little to teach, besides fear and anger. I was in a constant state of panic and I was the opposite of confident. If I didn't cheat in school, I would've been with the "special" kids and medicated. After college, I was convinced to take SSRIs, Valium, Adderall and more. I always knew it was darkness, nonsense and lies. I didn't want to take the "easy" way out. I decided to fight; I wouldn't accept it. I couldn't pretend that "God" hated me, I was broken and not capable. The day I decided I wasn't going to submit to darkness and do everything I could to overcome it, I had my first awakening.

Unfortunately, much of our species spend their days in the lower chakras and at a lower vibration chasing the material world. They do not seek truth; they learn and obey systems created to keep us weak and profit. They don't question them because they know deep down that if they did, they probably wouldn't like what they find, especially with all that time they put into their schooling and all of that debt they accumulated from it.

The times are changing and we are waking up, but not too long ago you wouldn't find a "mental health therapist" teaching anything that I do; anything that actually works and doesn't just sedate you and allow you to "function" in the world in your low vibration. The truth. "Mental health disorders" are lies. The DSM-5 manual is the darkest magic ever created. How dare they create a book of things you can call yourself to excuse your lack of guidance and development. You are not broken. You are all powerful and all capable. Stop listening to people who make money off you having "mental health disorders."

You have yet to develop skills and abilities. Confidence is a skill. Focusing is a skill. Controlling your emotions is a skill. Awareness, intuition, and even intelligence are all skills that need to be developed. They all take much knowledge of the self, how to take care of the self and effort.

People with "mental health disorders" are not taught that they are capable or that they can heal on their own. These "mental health therapists" do their "mental health counseling" to not only keep clients, but keep clients going to them often. They promote complaining, darkness conjuring and feeling bad and sad about things because they know this is what most people seek. That's how they stack that paper. If they created something like an "Enlightenment Protocol," their clients wouldn't need them because they have nothing else to offer. They do not teach you the most basic things, such as what you should be putting in you to operate at higher levels, much less how to master your confidence, lucid dream or psychic abilities. Again, it's mostly because they don't care or know. This is not what they are taught.

If "mental health therapy" consisted of truth, it would tell you that you need to take better care of yourself and take responsibility for your health, emotions, relationships and life. They would also tell you the truth about these "magic pills" that are poison with horrible soul-stealing side effects, and the only major benefits are from the placebo effect. And finally, tell you that "chemical imbalance" is more lies and has been proven false many times now and they wouldn't have any customers.

Everything I teach you are calculations that you can make. Everything that I teach you can be known with developed intuition and awareness. Everything that I teach you, you know deep down, is true. The question is, are you ever going to admit the darkness you bring to this world, repent and take responsibility for it? I will do everything in my power to help you see and go to the light. THEY LIE. I have absolutely no reason to. I lose money, likes and followers teaching these things because so few are ready. Few struggled as I once did and I see through ALL of the lies. I will help you become a warrior. Take my hand.

This "mental health crisis" is a crisis of lies. When we didn't eat poisonous foods and we spent more time outside, there wasn't a "mental health crisis." Darkness tells you to say, "I can't just go outside and cure my mental disorders." Have you tried it? These people fool no one. We have to stop letting them pretend they take good care of themselves. We have to stop pretending that if they put in more effort, they would continue to suffer the way they do. We have to stop letting them pretend that their lack of effort, energy and victim mentality is anything but harmful darkness, unacceptable and unproductive. There is no mental health crisis, only a crisis of ignorance, lies and lack of guidance.

I know so few people of this world are ready for these teachings. It takes much strength and courage to hear the words I speak, but I do not feed darkness on any level and I put truth about all. Believe me, if my goal was followers, I know exactly how darkness plays to people to reel them in. I now only seek the highest levels of respect and I will only have the bravest warriors come to me. I do not offer "mental health therapy;" I offer "Awakening Sessions," but I do not need your money; I have my free Enlightenment Protocol," and I release videos, affirmations and teachings almost every day on social media, as well as answer all brief and respectful questions there.

Your suffering is your choice. Satnam.

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